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🌙 Raya Clearance — RM100 OFF

Peaceful Journeys, Protected Interiors

No.1 MPV Car Mat
in Malaysia

No.1 Custom Car Mat
for all MPV Cars

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Toyota Alphard

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Toyota Vellfire

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Toyota Estima

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Kia Carnival

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Hyundai Staria

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Hyundai Starex

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Nissan Serena

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Honda Odyssey

Your Car is
Damaging Slowly


Scratches & Damages

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Waterspot & Moldy Floor 

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Rail Blocking Mats


Slippery Floor Mats


Unfitting Overlapped Mats


Easily Deformed Mats

Caring for Your Car and Kids

The Best Mat for Family

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Drive with
Tailored Safety

Our mat is customized specifically to every single car models that provides full tailored coverage that ensures no hindrance to pedal functionality.

Keeping you and your loved ones safe along the way!

Say Goodbye to
Dust & Dirt

All dirt and messes can be easily swept away with wet cloth or vacuum cleaner as the material surface prevents dirt from hiding within.

Let your loved ones enjoy freely during the journey!

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Waterproof from
Rain & Spills

Our mat is made with waterproof and self drying surface that ensures all time protection from drinks spills and rainy climate.

Making sure your car is always looking fresh even though it’s rainy season!

Secure Grip,
Stay in Place

Our mats boast a 3D fitting combined with a bottom layer of burr anti-slip grip, ensuring they stay firmly in place, no matter the journey.

No more constant readjustment of mats position every time you step in!

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Perfect Fit
Like the Original

Crafted to tuck neatly under the seat rail for selected cars, our mats not only enhance the aesthetics but also prevent stumbling hazards.

Never worry about awkward gaps or misalignment again!

3D Elevated
Protection Design

Custom fit design covers every corner of the car floor while 3D elevated design blocks all messes, giving full protection to your entire car floor.

No more crumbs and dirt sneaking in and hiding under your car mats!

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Confident Steps, Enter & Exit

Our mats are designed with a stable grip that's firmly stuck to the side step, thus allowing all passengers to enter and exit your vehicle without worry.

Minimize the risk of tripping, step in and out with assurance every time!

Shield Against
Wear & Tear

Our mats offer full protection to vulnerable areas like the side step plastics, safeguarding them from daily stepping and potential damage.

Preserve your car's pristine condition for years to come!

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Fresh Interior,
Healthier air

Ensuring a clean and healthy car interior environment, OTTOMAN mats are smell-resistant and SGS certified for non-toxicity & resilience to high heat.

Say goodbye to unpleasant odors and harmful particles, and hello to a fresh and clean car interior.

MPV Ottoman Car Mat Car Mat in Klang Selangor, Penang, Johor Bahru - Ottoman Car Mats
MPV Ottoman Car Mat Car Mat in Klang Selangor, Penang, Johor Bahru - Ottoman Car Mats
MPV Ottoman Car Mat Car Mat in Klang Selangor, Penang, Johor Bahru - Ottoman Car Mats
MPV Ottoman Car Mat Car Mat in Klang Selangor, Penang, Johor Bahru - Ottoman Car Mats
MPV Ottoman Car Mat Car Mat in Klang Selangor, Penang, Johor Bahru - Ottoman Car Mats
MPV Ottoman Car Mat Car Mat in Klang Selangor, Penang, Johor Bahru - Ottoman Car Mats
MPV Ottoman Car Mat Car Mat in Klang Selangor, Penang, Johor Bahru - Ottoman Car Mats
MPV Ottoman Car Mat Car Mat in Klang Selangor, Penang, Johor Bahru - Ottoman Car Mats

RM100 Discount Code: RAYA10

MPV Ottoman Car Mat

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*Apply Code: RAYA10 at checkout

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Raya Clearance Ends in

*Discount applied automatically upon checkout

  • Choose Your Preferred Car Mat Series and Color
  • Checkout and Make Payment
  • We'll Contact You for Car Model Confirmation

Free West Malaysia Shipping

Free Installation Service

Excellent Customer Support 24/7

Custom Fit Promise

Special cutting for your car model

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Lifetime Support

Come back to us anytime you need

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Refund Guarantee

Full refund if your car model is not available

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Swipe Right To See More!

Choose from 12 Colour Designs

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Classic Black

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Classic Porsche Orange

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Classic Cocoa Brown

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Classic Red

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Classic Grey

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Galaxy Blue

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Galaxy Red

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Galaxy Gold

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Titanium Black

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Titanium Cocoa Brown

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Titanium Ferrari Red

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Titanium Maroon

Find Your Car Samples!

Recognized By

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Abang Japar

Mekanika Malaysia

Throughout years of experience in the car industry, this is the first time I used Ottoman Car Mat and I regret not knowing it earlier. It's really one of a kind because having Ottoman Car Mats in the car feels so premium like I am being the CEO of a big company, it's truly one of a kind! No wonder Ottoman Car Mat is recognized as the No. 1 Full Coverage Car Mat in Malaysia!

Hezeri Samsuri

Careta TV

Life becomes so much easier with this Ottoman Car Mat. Personally, I use it myself. The kids always eat and drink in the car, which the car always very dirty. But now, I don’t worry much because it's so easy to clean up all the mess. I highly recommend the Ottoman Car Mat. You guys should give it a try for good. 100% recommended!

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Malaysian Singer

I always faced the same problem where the dirt getting trapped under car mat and causing a smell. I had to clean and wait for a long time to dry my old car mat. Ottoman has a 3D feature that solves my problem. Not only that, Ottoman Car Mat has enhanced the look of my car interior to much more premium! Thank you, Ottoman!

Azrel Ismail

Malaysian Celebrity

As a public figure, the main thing I have to prioritize is keeping my car cleanliness. Before I started using Ottoman Car Mat, my car was extremely dirty with a lot of sand and dust, and I was tired trying to clean up. Then Ottoman saved me! They came right to my doorstep, and their service memang top-notch! I highly recommend Ottoman Car Mat to all Malaysians lah. When you think of car mats, think of Ottoman guys!

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What Our Clients Say About Us

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Servis bagus laju..bos pun very friendly & explain dengan baik masa nak pasang..produk sangat puashati..pasang ngam ikut saiz kereta & nampak elegan..belum sempat lap atau basuh lagi sbb baru je pasang

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Nadilla Yusoff

so far takde masalah..masih dalam keadaan asal..warna tk luntur dan tahan detergen (sabun cuci)..pilihan warna pn terbaik boleh custom...(brand lain pilihan warna terhad)..good job ottoman (5x thumbs up)

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Syahrul Izam

Alhamdulillah.. Stakat la ok ja..xdak masalah apa pn (smile) ..ambik kain basah lap ja..klau ada habuk apa sy vacum.hehe

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I really love my car mat and it's just nice fit to my car. Even the mats still look new as the day first we received it actually almost going to be 2 years

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Still work so happy with my purchase since I have little kids. The did spill their drinks but everything just fine since I have ottoman carpet...and the best part no more trapped dust..well done

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Nadhirah Rithwan

so far the car mat is marvelous..Easy to clean and rugged..Not easily broken.. I love it and i recommended it to my friends..

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Who We Are

About Us

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Established in Malaysia since 2016, we are now the No.1 local manufacturer for 3D PU leather car mat. We provide custom fit car mats that are tailored specifically to over 1000+ car models in Malaysia, primarily serving MPV markets.


Years of Service




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